Joshua H. Ehrlich, DMD is very pleased to welcome you to his state-of-the-art cosmetic and general dental practice in the heart of Lakeview.
Quality care, compassion for patients, and dedication to the art and science of dentistry are just a few of the features that you will experience when you are under the guidance of this practice.
Joshua H. Ehrlich, DMD is very pleased to welcome you to his state-of-the-art cosmetic and general dental practice in the heart of Lakeview.
Dr. Ehrlich takes personal pride in his relationships with his patients, and now would like to extend an invitation to you to join his general dental family.
The foundation of this practice is the total and comprehensive care of every patient, and Dr. Ehrlich would like to help you achieve that well-balanced blend of health and beauty.

As well as being a comprehensive cosmetic and general dentist who provides a wide range of services for his patients, Dr. Ehrlich can help even the most fearful patient. During residency, Dr. Ehrlich received extensive training in anesthesia techniques that most dentists do not have access to.
As a fully licensed provider of parenteral conscious sedation (sleep dentistry), Dr. Ehrlich can help most people through a wide range of calming techniques. As a cosmetic and general dentist, Dr. Ehrlich has the unique opportunity to bring this sedation training to his practice and help his patients relax while being cared for.
Dr. Ehrlich realizes that there are many factors that might keep someone from finding the right dentist. He is here to make your experience as pleasant as possible.